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No. 17, Jalan SG 3/4, Taman Sri Gombak,
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor.

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Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu

7 Day 5 Night

Explore unforgettable journey to Jiuzhaigou Valley and the Giant Panda Garden. Witness the breathtaking beauty of nature and encounter China's iconic giant pandas in their natural habitat.


Embark on a captivating journey through the natural wonders and cultural treasures of China with our Jiuzhaigou Valley and Giant Panda Garden tour. Begin your adventure in Jiuzhaigou Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its ethereal beauty. Marvel at the crystal-clear lakes, majestic waterfalls, and vibrant forests that paint a picturesque landscape straight out of a fairy tale. As you wander through this pristine valley, immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature and breathe in the fresh mountain air.

Next, venture to the Giant Panda Garden, where you'll encounter China's most iconic and beloved inhabitants. Witness the playful antics of these adorable creatures as they go about their daily activities in a conservation-friendly environment. Learn about the ongoing efforts to protect and preserve the endangered giant panda species and gain insight into their behavior and habitat.

Throughout the tour, knowledgeable guides will provide fascinating insights into the history, culture, and ecology of both Jiuzhaigou Valley and the Giant Panda Garden, enriching your experience and deepening your appreciation for these natural wonders. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, wildlife lover, or simply seeking an unforgettable adventure, this tour promises to leave you with cherished memories and a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of China's landscapes and wildlife.

Price From

RM3,490 Per Pax

If You Have Any Questions Or Enquiries, Please Contact Us

Terms & Condition

*There might be some changes or additional charge on itinerary, tour plan or price.

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Travel Date & Price

Departure Arrival Season Price From Note Transportation Status
3/5/2024 9/5/2024 - RM3,490 Malindo Air Open Book
7/5/2024 12/5/2024 - RM3,590 AirAsia Open Book
17/5/2024 23/5/2024 - RM3,690 Malindo Air Open Book
17/5/2024 22/5/2024 - RM3,790 AirAsia Open Book
7/6/2024 13/6/2024 - RM3,890 Malindo Air Open Book
18/6/2024 23/6/2024 - RM3,690 AirAsia Open Book
24/6/2024 29/6/2024 - RM3,590 AirAsia Open Book

Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu Itinerary

7 Day 5 Night - Full Board

Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


  • Berkumpul di KLIA untuk menaiki penerbangan ke Chengdu.
  • Bermalam di Chengdu.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Chengdu-Jiuzhaigou (B/L/D)
  • Mingjiang River: Sebuah sungai yang indah dengan pemandangan dan juga kejernihan airnya serta dikelilingi oleh gunung-gunung setinggi awan. Ia merupakan kawasan burung-burung berhijrah dari serata dunia, dengan lebih dari 50,000 burung tinggal disini. Terdapat lebih dari 219 spesis burung disini dan 28 darinya adalah dari spesis burung yang terancam. Ia juga tersenarai sebagai Unesco Natural Largest Independent Water.
  • Diexi Lake: Sebuah empangan yang tercipta dari sebuah tragedi, dimana gempa bumi pada tahun 1933 telah menenggelamkan perkampungan Diexi. Kini dapat dilihat kesan peninggalan di sini seperti menara tinjau, kuil, patung singa dan lukisan mural yang dapat dilihat dari sekitar tebing gunung.
  • Songzhou Ancient Town: Di bina pada Dinasti Ming, ia pernah menjadi hab perdagangan satu masa dahulu. Kini, bangunan-bangunan kuno masih dapat dilihat, dimana ia terbahagi antara dalaman dan luaran bandar yang dipisah oleh 7 pintu gerbang.
  • Ganhaizi - Dikenali sebagai Fangcao Lake, merupakan sebuah danau di kawasan gunung terletak pada ketinggian 2,200m. Tetamu akan disaji dengan pemandangan tasik dan sungai sejernih kristal dan gunung ganang.
  • Bermalam di Jiuzhaigou.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Jiuzhaigou (B/L/D)
  • Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic: Sebuah rizab alam yang terkenal terletak di Wilayah Sichuan, dengan keindahan alam semulajadi yang memukau, menampilkan tasik-tasik yang jernih, air terjun yang berwarna-warni, puncak gunung bersalji, dan hutan yang subur. Ia terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian seperti di Shuzheng Valley terdapat Nuorilang Waterfall dan Shuzeng Lakes, Rize Valley dimana Mirror Lake, Pearl Waterfall dan Five Flower Lake berada dan Zezawa Valley, pelancong dapat menyaksikan Long Lake, Colorful Pool dan Seasons Lake. Ia juga tersenarai sebagai Unesco World Heritage Site.
  • Bermalam di Jiuzhaigou.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Jiuzhaigou-Muni Valley-Mao County (B/L/D)
  • Muni Valley: Terletak pada ketinggian 2,800m, ia menyediakan lebih dari 100 tasik dan kolam air panas dengan pemandangan paling mengasyikkan di Zhaga Waterfall, merupakan sebuah air terjun travertin terbesar di dunia dengan ketinggian 104 meter dan lebar 35,4 meter. Terdapat danau di hulu dan serangkaian aliran sungai seperti teras di hilir di mana airnya jatuh melalui tiga tingkat tangga, menghasilkan percikan air yang besar.
  • Bermalam di Mao County.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Mou County-Chengdu (B/L/D)
  • Melawat ke China Giant Panda Garden: Sebuah pengalaman unik melihat dan mempelajari tentang panda gergasi. Disini tetamu dapat gambaran lanjut tentang usaha pemuliharaan panda gergasi.
  • Imperial City Mosque: Dibina pada tahun 1858, ia menggabungkan senibina Arab, dinasti Ming dan Qing. Terdapat pintu gerbang, perpustakaan dan ruang solat. Pada pintu gerbang kedua, tergantung karekter tulisan cina yang bermaksud agama paling tua, yang telah dibuat ketika Dinasti Qing. Kini, masjid ini menjadi ibupejabat kepada persatuan Islam di daerah Sinchuan.
  • Wide and Narrow Lane: Merupakan dua batang jalan yang digabungkan senibinanya dari dinasti Ming (1368-1644) dan Qing (1644-1911), dimana senibina kuno bergabung dengan senibina moden. Disini terdapat boutique hotel, kedai menjual kudapan, kedai teh tradisional, rumah tumpangan serta pusat spa disepanjang jalan ini.
  • Bermalam di Chengdu.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Chengdu-KL (B/L/D)
  • Manhua Manor: Sebuah taman yang dipenuhi jutaan bunga mengikut musim. Ia seperti berada di negara Eropah dengan pelbagai jenis bunga yang ditanam di sini. Dari bunga cherry blossom, hingga ke bunga ros boleh didapati disini.
  • Tangjiasi Ancient Mosque: Dibina pada tahun keenam Dinasti Qing. Ia merangkumi kawasan seluas 1,400 meter persegi. Ia mempunyai struktur bata dan kayu, dengan genting hijau dan hiasan berlapis di atas bumbung. Terdapat dua naga sepanjang 1 meter di sebelah kiri dan kanan yang antik. Jinli One Street: Dikenali sebagai jalan pertama kerajaan Shu, ia telah direkodkan seawal 221 sebelum masihi dan merupakan kawasan komersil yang sangat sibuk suatu ketika dahulu. Kini, pengujung datang ke sini untuk bersantai sambil melihat tinggalan sejarah yang terdapat pada bangunan tradisional sekitar kawasan ini.
  • Menaiki penerbangan pagi pulang ke Kuala Lumpur.
Jiuzhaigou Valleys + Giant Panda + Chengdu


Kuala Lumpur
  • Tiba di Kuala Lumpur.

Note: *There might be some changes or additional charge on itinerary, tour plan or price.

Terms & Condition

(MOB: Meals on Board / B: Breakfast / L: Lunch / D: Dinner)


Holiday Inn Express

2 Night

San Royal International Hotel

2 Night

Xiqiangjiayuan Hotel

1 Night
*Click image for the larger size

Package Include

  • Tiket penerbangan kelas ekonomi termasuk surcaj minyak dan cukai penerbangan.
  • Penginapan hotel 5 malam bertaraf 4* sepanjang lawatan termasuk cukai bandar.
  • Sarapan pagi di hotel, makan tengahari dan makan malam sepanjang lawatan mengikut aturcara.
  • Tiket masuk ke tempat lawatan seperti yang dinyatakan.
  • Pengangkutan bas persiaran berhawa dingin yang selesa.
  • Perkhidmatan tour leader dan tour guide yang terlatih professional.
  • Tip untuk tour leader, tour guide dan pemandu bas persiaran.

Package Exclude

  • Kos ujian antigen atau PCR COVID-19 sekiranya disyaratkan negara dilawati.
  • Travel & Covid-19 Insurans - Hubungi kami bagi khidmat nasihat dan pembelian premium insurans yang sesuai.
  • Surcaj tambahan ketika waktu perayaan, puncak dan cuti sekolah.
  • Servis tambahan di hotel seperti snek, mini bar, dobi dan porter.
  • Makan minum, tiket masuk lawatan dan tempat lawatan selain dari yang dinyatakan.
  • Bayaran tambahan lebihan had bagasi penerbangan.
  • Perkara lain yang tidak dinyatakan di dalam aturcara program dan pakej termasuk.

We are ready to help

Please feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries about the packages we offer. We are committed to responding to all your questions within 1-2 business days.

Booking Enquiry Form

    Terms & Conditions


    • Upon booking of seat : Deposit per person per booking
    • 90 days before group departure : 50% of the total payment
    • 45 days before group departure : Balance of the outstanding payment

    If full payment is not received within the stipulated 45 days before departure, Koiman Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd. at its sole discretion reserves the right to forfeit the deposit and cancel the booking.


    1. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
    2. Tour packages cancelled less than 45 days before group departure date, cancellation fee will be imposed as follow:
      • 75% of the total package price (within 15-45 days before departure)
      • 100% of the total package price (within 14 days before departure)
      • 100% of the total package price (no show on day of departure)
    3. Cancellation of bookings by the Tour Member must be made in writing via email to Koiman Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd.
    4. Once Return Ticket has been issued and customer request for cancellation. No refund will be entitled.
    5. Refunds will only be allowed in the case of Death, Hospitalization & valid Medical Reasons supported by a Medical Report from Private/Government Hospital (Medical Report from Clinics are not acceptable), subject to approval.
    6. No refund if any of the item in the package is not utilize fully or partially when tour has departed.


    All tour members are encouraged to buy travel insurance to safeguard against sickness, flight delay, lost baggage, etc.


    1. The above rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice.
    2. Koiman Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to cancel the package if the number of participants is less than minimum paying passengers.
    3. These packages are under Series Group Departures if the group are below of our minimum paying passengers, we will be informing our customers as our Company SOP 1 Month Before Departure. The customer might choose the optional as per below:
      • Postponed travelling
      • Refund full amount paid
      • Change or postponed to other destination
    4. Koiman Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd. and its agent reserve the right to change or alter the program and revise fares without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances.
    5. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subjected to change until final confirmation.
    6. Not all hotels have rooms for 3 people. Therefore, extra bed or mattress only (subject to hotel) will be added only on twin sharing rooms.
    7. Passport must be valid for more than 6 months from the date of travel.
    8. It is the responsibility of the tour members to ensure that their names are cleared from blacklisted by any regulatory bodies in Malaysia or destination that may prohibit overseas travel or arrival.
    9. Koiman Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd. will not be held responsible or liable in the event any tour member is denied to travel by the Malaysian Immigration. Tour fares will not be refunded.
    10. All meals mentioned in our program are suitable for Muslim, Except for breakfast which normally will be served based on standard international buffet menu by hotel.
    11. Koiman Travel & Tour Sdn. Bhd. term & conditions will apply.
    12. Flight seats and room arrangement for hotel are auto assigned.
    *Once payment received customers consider agree to the Terms & Conditions

    Price From

    RM3,490 Per Pax

    Enjoy a worry-free vacation experience with us Koiman Travel & Tour